Lauren Boebert steps in it

Because Donald Trump is on the verge of being indicted in multiple jurisdictions, he’s taking up all the headline space, and few are paying attention to the public hearings that House Republicans are holding. Given what a disaster these hearings are, that may be a gift to the Republicans. But they just don’t know how to shut up, of course.

Lauren Boebert is busy tweeting things like this: “The GOP House has set a new record for the amount of hearings in a single day. No group has ever worked harder to get this country back on track than we’re doing right now. We realize that this is the “now or never” moment to save America.”

So they’re holding a super sized number of hearings that no one is watching or cares about? That’s not smart. In fact it’s pretty dumb. Actress Nancy Lee Grahn had the best reply to Boebert: “Revenge hearings all day long to “own libs” resulting in lectures from libs that go viral for making you look stupid. It’s fun to watch but YOU, lady are wasting our tax dollars while failing & being humiliated.”

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