Donald Trump Jr. has completely unhinged meltdown after Donald Trump is criminally indicted

Donald Trump has yet to appear on camera since his criminal indictment in Manhattan. Instead Donald Trump Jr. is filling that void for now. Of course the trouble is that pretty much everything Junior says is a void.

We’re not really sure what to make of this on-camera meltdown by Donald Trump Jr. tonight:

There’s the part where Junior refers to the indictment as “communist level shit.” Did you know that criminally charging people for breaking the law is actually communism? Neither did we.

There’s the part where Junior appears to claim that prosecutors, the media, and the intelligence community are all somehow plotting against Donald Trump, which is weird given that those groups aren’t even on the same side.

Then of course there’s the part where Donald Trump Jr. appeared to be on the verge of crying at various points during the unhinged video. This guy has been a mess for a few years now. This bad news appears to be pushing him fully over the edge.

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