Ron DeSantis gives insanely idiotic answer when asked how he feels about Black people

Ron DeSantis gives insanely idiotic answer when asked how he feels about Black people

During an interview, Ron DeSantis was asked this question: “How do you feel about Black Americans? The history, the accomplishments?” It’s actually something of a softball question if you think about it; all you have to do is give a human-sounding answer. But DeSantis, who has shown nowindication that he’s human and may actually be…

Donald Trump declares “kiss my ass” as it all goes wrong for him

Donald Trump declares “kiss my ass” as it all goes wrong for him

Even as Donald Trump’s own former attorney now says he expects Trump will go to federal prison, Trump wants us all to believe that he’s instead somehow magically going to be a candidate in the 2024 election. The trouble is, as Trump gets more rattled about how own downfall, he’s having a hard time selling…

Donald Trump has midnight meltdown as it all falls apart for him

Donald Trump has midnight meltdown as it all falls apart for him

After Donald Trump’s attorney quit amid the news that Jack Smith was getting proof from the National Archives that Trump knew he was committing crimes with regard to classified documents, Trump threw a tantrum on social media and then went very quiet for the better part of a day. But now Trump is having something…

Key George Santos staffer quits and spills the tea

Key George Santos staffer quits and spills the tea

Now that House Republican George Santos has been criminally indicted on thirteen felony counts and is ultimately headed for prison, everyone involved (not named “Kevin McCarthy”) can read the writing on the wall. George Santos’ Communications Director is now resigning, and publicly bashing him in the process. Meanwhile, investigative outfit CREW is now suggesting that…

Marjorie Taylor Greene goes off the deep end about a sixty year old laptop or something

Marjorie Taylor Greene goes off the deep end about a sixty year old laptop or something

Marjorie Taylor Greene isn’t as dumb as she pretends to be (no one could ever possibly be that stupid), but she’s not exactly the brightest bulb in the shed. Today Greene was trying to gin up a phony conspiracy theory about the FBI secretly holding someone’s laptop when she appeared to imply that the laptop…