So much for Donald Trump’s big claim that the Manhattan case against him was “dropped”

So much for Donald Trump’s big claim that the Manhattan case against him was “dropped”

If there’s one lesson we’ve learned over the years, it’s that if Donald Trump tells you something is true, don’t believe it. If Trump tells you that he’s scored a victory or pulled something off, you should be even less likely to believe it. Trump claimed over the weekend that the Manhattan DA had dropped…

Manhattan DA just used David Pecker to help seal the deal against Donald Trump

Manhattan DA just used David Pecker to help seal the deal against Donald Trump

Remember over the weekend when Donald Trump told reporters that the Manhattan criminal case against him had been dropped? To the surprise of no one, it turns out Trump was just making that up out of thin air. He’d have been the last person to know such a thing anyway. Today the Manhattan DA had…

Donald Trump makes bizarre late night social media post and no one has any idea what he’s talking about

Donald Trump makes bizarre late night social media post and no one has any idea what he’s talking about

Even back in his less incoherent days, Donald Trump was famous for making social media posts like “covfefe” because he’s an idiot and there’s no oversight around him. But these days Trump rarely makes sense even when he’s trying to read from a script. So it’s no big surprise that Donald Trump made this incoherent…

Donald Trump goes on bizarre rant about not leaving an inheritance to kids who don’t deserve it

Donald Trump goes on bizarre rant about not leaving an inheritance to kids who don’t deserve it

Donald Trump isn’t exactly all there these days, to put it mildly. Even when he’s reading from a script, it still shows, due to how often he wanders off script into incoherent tangents. Take for instance this video clip in which Trump is supposed to be making the case that he’s made it easier for…

Donald Trump’s attorney Joe Tacopina crashes and burns on live national television

Donald Trump’s attorney Joe Tacopina crashes and burns on live national television

It’s hard being Donald Trump’s lawyer, both because you’re stuck defending an unhinged and obviously guilty client, and because there’s a good chance he’ll end up incriminating you to the point that you need your own lawyer. Trump’s latest attorney Joe Tacopina isn’t exactly faring well so far. He went on Meet The Press today,…

Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen team up to drop the hammer on Trump loon

Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen team up to drop the hammer on Trump loon

Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels are both on the same side when it comes to the Manhattan criminal case against Donald Trump. Cohen is a grand jury witness, and Daniels has publicly confirmed her availability as a trial witness if needed. You can tell Trump loons are feeling the heat, because they’re now floating crazy…

Donald Trump has bonkers meltdown as Manhattan grand jury returns

Donald Trump has bonkers meltdown as Manhattan grand jury returns

Donald Trump doesn’t have any good days remaining in front of him. The only question is how much or little he understands this, as he appears to drift back and forth between hopeful delusion and crushing reality. Just yesterday Trump was telling reporters that he believed the Manhattan DA had dropped the criminal case against…