Donald Trump has unhinged meltdown about a “war” against his enemies

Donald Trump has unhinged meltdown about a “war” against his enemies

It appears someone has explained to Donald Trump that if he keeps attacking and threatening the Manhattan District Attorney or other prosecutors, it’ll just result in tighter restrictions against him once he’s indicted and arraigned. But Trump, a creature of habit, is now trying to cause trouble in other ways. Trump just used his social…

Judge serves up reminder of what Donald Trump is facing upon indictment

Judge serves up reminder of what Donald Trump is facing upon indictment

When Donald Trump gets indicted, he’ll ask the judge to release him on bail or his own recognizance. In the criminal cases against him in Manhattan and Fulton County, he’ll likely be granted that request, because he has no criminal record and the charges against him are nonviolent. The DOJ case may be a different…

“It’s not going to end nicely” for Donald Trump

“It’s not going to end nicely” for Donald Trump

It’s never a good day when even your own allies are admitting that it’s over for you. But Donald Trump is now in so historically much trouble, facing criminal indictments in three jurisdictions while desperately trying to pass himself off as a political candidate, some folks from Trump’s camp are finally admitting. Chris Christie, who…

Donald Trump gives away that it’s all falling apart for him

Donald Trump gives away that it’s all falling apart for him

Donald Trump sat down with his pal Sean Hannity last night in an attempt at portraying himself as an actual viable 2024 presidential candidate, and not a guy who’s about to be dismantled by criminal indictments in multiple jurisdictions. It didn’t exactly go well for him. Trump’s Waco rally was a bust, with overhead shots…

Even Fox News is exhausted by Donald Trump’s descent into lunacy

Even Fox News is exhausted by Donald Trump’s descent into lunacy

Even as the media keeps trying to hype Donald Trump as some kind of 2024 frontrunner who will be able to just magically shake off being criminally indicted in multiple jurisdictions, he increasingly comes off as someone who knows it’s over for him. Trump sounds like a bitter sore loser who’s looking for people to…

Donald Trump has incoherently senile meltdown during Sean Hannity interview

Donald Trump has incoherently senile meltdown during Sean Hannity interview

Donald Trump’s CPAC speech and Waco rally haven’t done anything to convince the general public to see him as a presidential candidate instead of a washed up criminal suspect, so now Trump has sat down with Sean Hannity to try to change the narrative. Hannity is as friendly a face as Trump can find, and…

Donald Trump bottoms out with “catturd” debacle

Donald Trump bottoms out with “catturd” debacle

Donald Trump wants you to believe that his criminal indictment can’t hurt him and he’s riding high. The trouble is, even with DeSantis falling off, professional conducted polls say that Trump is stuck at the same 55% support among Republican primary voters. That’s super weak for someone with his name recognition and recent incumbency, and…

This vindicates Michael Cohen’s testimony against Donald Trump

This vindicates Michael Cohen’s testimony against Donald Trump

When Donald Trump made the rare and risky move of requesting that his own witness Robert Costello testify to the Manhattan grand jury ahead of indictment, it was an attempt at destroying the credibility of Michael Cohen, in the hope that it would discourage the Manhattan DA from going through with the indictment. But what’s…

Donald Trump stunned into silence as David Pecker gives him up to the grand jury

Donald Trump stunned into silence as David Pecker gives him up to the grand jury

Over the weekend Donald Trump told reporters that the Manhattan District Attorney’s criminal case against him had been “dropped.” That was clearly a made-up story, and it’s unclear if Trump was trying to fool all of us or just fool himself. Either way, Trump’s former National Enquirer ally David Pecker testified to the Manhattan grand…