Donald Trump has unhinged 3am outburst after getting criminally indicted

Donald Trump has unhinged 3am outburst after getting criminally indicted

Donald Trump has had a fair amount to say in the hours since he was criminally indicted in Manhattan, much of it frantic to the point of unintelligible. At one point Trump declared in all caps that he had been “INDICATED” (we think he meant “INDICTED”). Now, at 3:00am eastern time, Trump is having yet…

Lindsey Graham appears on the verge of tears after Donald Trump is criminally indicted

Lindsey Graham appears on the verge of tears after Donald Trump is criminally indicted

Now that Donald Trump has been criminally indicted, numerous people in Trump world are putting on angry performances tonight in the hope of scoring cheap points with Trump’s base. But one person in particular appears to be taking the news very, very personally. Senator Lindsey Graham appeared on Fox News tonight and appeared to be…

Lauren Boebert gets totally spun around by witness in Republican House hearing

Lauren Boebert gets totally spun around by witness in Republican House hearing

At this point House Republicans may be regretting having won a narrow majority in the midterms, because now it means they have to govern – or at least act like they’re governing. And it turns out they don’t know how to do that. In a stunning moment in the latest Republican House hearing, Lauren Boebert tried…

President Biden sticks it to Kevin McCarthy

President Biden sticks it to Kevin McCarthy

Ever since Republicans narrowly took control of the House and installed limp brained Kevin McCarthy as their “Speaker” with the backing of insurrectionist extremist Marjorie Taylor Greene, they’ve done nothing but try to sabotage the nation. Fortunately, President Joe Biden isn’t about to let these House Republicans sabotage the budget and the economy. Biden sent…

Donald Trump Jr. goes on unhinged rant about how they’re going to “throw us in jail”

Donald Trump Jr. goes on unhinged rant about how they’re going to “throw us in jail”

Donald Trump Jr. is not doing well. He hasn’t been for awhile. His social media posts over the past year or two have largely just been him rambling in such paranoid delusional fashion that you have to wonder if he’s completely devoid of loved ones who can get him the help he appears to need….

These new numbers are just ugly for Donald Trump

These new numbers are just ugly for Donald Trump

There’s this laughable notion in the pundit sphere that Donald Trump can get criminally indicted in multiple jurisdictions, and his 2024 “campaign” will somehow benefit from it. But back in the real world nothing works that way. Even before Trump is convicted and sent to prison, Republican primary voters outside his base will begin to…

Trump supporter arrested after knife-wielding altercation outside Trump Tower

Trump supporter arrested after knife-wielding altercation outside Trump Tower

Donald Trump called for mass protests in response to his impending criminal indictment, and plainly implied that he wanted wide scale violence. But because he no longer controls any law enforcement agencies and can’t run interference for his supporters like he did on January 6th, they know that they wouldn’t stand a chance against the…