Donald Trump hit with FELONY CONSPIRACY charges

Donald Trump hit with FELONY CONSPIRACY charges

Today’s thirty-four felony charges in Manhattan against Donald Trump reportedly include conspiracy charges. That’s notable because conspiracy charges are generally against two or more people. Yet as far as anyone knows, only Trump is being charged. Is the Manhattan DA counting Michael Cohen’s old charges in this case in a different jurisdiction? Did the DA…

Donald Trump’s lawyer goes off the deep end, compares Trump to Tupac in insane new video

Donald Trump’s lawyer goes off the deep end, compares Trump to Tupac in insane new video

Is Donald Trump trying to set some kind of record for the most cartoonishly inept legal team of all time? Or is it just that, after his joke of a former attorney Rudy Giuliani got suspended, and his other attorney Evan Corcoran had to testify against him to a grand jury, Trump just can’t find…

Donald Trump goes bonkers in all directions as prosecutors come at him in all sides

Donald Trump goes bonkers in all directions as prosecutors come at him in all sides

Imagine you’re just a few hours from being arrested and arraigned on criminal charges, and you’re busy ranting about an entirely different prosecutor in an entirely different case who’s also closing in on criminally charging you. That’s the predicament that Donald Trump is in right now. On Monday night he attacked Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg,…

Donald Trump has bonkers meltdown as Jack Smith closes in on indicting him too

Donald Trump has bonkers meltdown as Jack Smith closes in on indicting him too

When it rains it pours. When you’re a career criminal like Donald Trump who’s finally being brought to justice after a lifetime of crime, it’s about to rain indictments. Even as Trump surrenders himself for arrest in Manhattan on Tuesday, news is breaking that suggests DOJ Special Counsel Jack Smith is nearing indictment as well….

Judge Jeanine flames out on Fox News over Donald Trump’s arrest

Judge Jeanine flames out on Fox News over Donald Trump’s arrest

Donald Trump’s apologists really don’t know what to do with themselves now that he’s being indicted and arrested on a whopping thirty-four felony counts in Manhattan. They know how guilty he looks in the eyes of mainstream Americans. They know that even Trump’s own base has to getting tired by now. And so they’re resorting…

Roger Stone turns to mush on eve of Donald Trump’s arrest

Roger Stone turns to mush on eve of Donald Trump’s arrest

Donald Trump’s criminal indictment in Manhattan is just the first jurisdiction that’s targeting him, and all of his various co-conspirators have reason to be concerned about getting caught up in the charges. Roger Stone in particular appears to have turned into mush, as he goes on video and begs people to use his promo code…

Count Melania out

Count Melania out

Donald Trump is trying to rally his allies now that he’s being criminally indicted and arrested in Manhattan, but apparently his wife is not among those allies. People around Melania Trump are making a point of telling Vanity Fair that she has no sympathy for Donald Trump’s legal plight, and that she’s just fine with…

Donald Trump launches ape shit attack on Manhattan DA, boosts prospects for gag order

Donald Trump launches ape shit attack on Manhattan DA, boosts prospects for gag order

The news has broken that Donald Trump has been indicted on 34 felonies – not just 34 charges but 33 felonies – in Manhattan. Now Trump is launching an utterly ape shit attack on the Manhattan DA in an attempt at changing the subject, but he’s not helping his cause. Trump is now demanding that…

Fox News host melts down over Donald Trump’s arrest

Fox News host melts down over Donald Trump’s arrest

Now that Donald Trump has been indicted on thirty-four criminal counts that reportedly include at least one felony charge, his apologists aren’t just insisting he’s innocent and being framed. They’re falsely claiming that prosecutors are somehow the ones committing crimes. Fox News stooge Jesse Watters is now baselessly claiming on air that Manhattan District Attorney…