Manhattan DA’s office could still have “something else up their sleeve” against Donald Trump

Manhattan DA’s office could still have “something else up their sleeve” against Donald Trump

When Donald Trump was arraigned in court today, the judge announced that the next scheduled in-person meeting in the case wouldn’t be until December. It’s a reminder that while Manhattan is the first jurisdiction to indict Trump, it may not be the first jurisdiction to put him on trial. But then something interesting happened. Even…

By all means, Donald Trump, keep running your mouth like this

By all means, Donald Trump, keep running your mouth like this

Just a few hours ago, the judge in Donald Trump’s criminal case warned him that he could face a gag order and more if he keeps inappropriately running his mouth about the case. Looks like Trump hasn’t gotten the message. Immediately after his arraignment, Trump jumped on social media and began attacking the Manhattan DA…

Take that, Jim Jordan!

Take that, Jim Jordan!

Donald Trump’s remaining allies like House Republican Jim Jordan are more eager than ever to spin the criminal charges against Trump as being some mere partisan political ploy. To that end, Jordan tweeted that “The indictment wouldn’t happen if President Trump didn’t run for office.” Actor and activist Jon Cryer fired back at Jim Jordan,…

“Deflated” Donald Trump gets put in his place by judge at arraignment hearing

“Deflated” Donald Trump gets put in his place by judge at arraignment hearing

For all of the media bluster about how it’s “unprecedented” for a former President of the United States to be indicted and arrested, the reality looks very different. The criminal justice system simply does not care that Donald Trump used to be President. It doesn’t mean anything in criminal court. That was driven home today…

Donald Trump immediately goes back to attacking the Manhattan DA after his arraignment hearing

Donald Trump immediately goes back to attacking the Manhattan DA after his arraignment hearing

Donald Trump was reportedly warned by the judge during his arraignment hearing that he needed to steer clear of inappropriate social media posts or else he’d end up facing serious restrictions such as a gag order. Looks like Trump isn’t taking that threat particularly seriously, given that he’s already back on his social media network,…

Turns out Donald Trump’s crimes in Manhattan went all the way to the Oval Office

Turns out Donald Trump’s crimes in Manhattan went all the way to the Oval Office

When Donald Trump was criminally charged in Manhattan today, it was for a scandal that began during the 2016 election. But it turns out his crime spree made it all the way to the Oval Office: . It’s a good reminder that Donald Trump committed crimes before he ran for office, while he was running…

Donald Trump made payoff in 2016 to silence doorman’s claim that Trump had fathered a secret child

Donald Trump made payoff in 2016 to silence doorman’s claim that Trump had fathered a secret child

Today’s Manhattan criminal charges against Donald Trump include payments that were made (and illegally covered up) to silence women that Trump allegedly had affairs with. But the criminal charges also reference a third payment that Trump made to pay off a doorman who claimed to know that Trump had fathered a secret child. This payment…

Donald Trump’s attorneys swing and miss in bizarre press conference after his arraignment

Donald Trump’s attorneys swing and miss in bizarre press conference after his arraignment

After Donald Trump’s arrest and arraignment on Tuesday, his criminal defense attorneys held an impromptu press conference with reporters, which was broadcast live on television. Suffice it to say that their performance was underwhelming. Trump’s lawyers started off by saying that “You don’t expect this to happen to somebody who was the President of the…

These criminal charges are a full repudiation of the legitimacy of Donald Trump’s “win” in the 2016 election

These criminal charges are a full repudiation of the legitimacy of Donald Trump’s “win” in the 2016 election

Make no mistake, Donald Trump was arrested today for crimes he committed aimed at misleading voters during the 2016 election. He criminally conspired with the people around him in order to cook his own books, so that the voting public wouldn’t know about his affairs with porn stars and such. The text of the indictment…

Donald Trump Jr. stoops to disgusting low with attack on judge’s family after Donald Trump is arrested

Donald Trump Jr. stoops to disgusting low with attack on judge’s family after Donald Trump is arrested

However low Donald Trump manages to sink with his rhetoric, it’s generally a given that Donald Trump Jr. will find a way to sink even lower and more unhingedly with his own rhetoric. That happened again today after Donald Trump was arrested in Manhattan. It turns out Donald Trump has posted a conspiracy theory and…

Donald Trump resorts to pathetically desperate tactics in his Manhattan criminal case

Donald Trump resorts to pathetically desperate tactics in his Manhattan criminal case

Donald Trump has been arrested in Manhattan, his arraignment hearing is still taking place, and we’re waiting for more news to come out of that. In the meantime, his increasingly erratic social media posts are revealing the pathetically desperate tactics he intends to try in court. For instance Trump is now insisting on social media…

Manhattan DA seeks protective order against Donald Trump during arraignment hearing

Manhattan DA seeks protective order against Donald Trump during arraignment hearing

There are no cameras allowed in the courtroom during today’s Donald Trump arraignment hearing. But reporters are getting information out of the courthouse in real time, and something interesting has already emerged. The Manhattan DA is seeking a protective order against Donald Trump to block him from leaking the evidence in the case. The DA…