Everyone piles on after racist Tennessee Republicans wrongly expel two Black Democrats

Everyone piles on after racist Tennessee Republicans wrongly expel two Black Democrats

The Tennessee Republican state legislature moved to expel three Democrats today on false grounds, then ended up only expelling the two Black ones while failing to expel the white one. It’s one of the most blatantly racist abuses of power in recent memory – and one of the most stupidly self defeating. No one was…

Donald Trump begins attacking Fox News after it admits the truth about his crappy 2024 prospects

Donald Trump begins attacking Fox News after it admits the truth about his crappy 2024 prospects

Being put on criminal trial in three jurisdictions, and being sent to prison, will certainly finish off Donald Trump’s 2024 pipe dream when it happens. But the specter of Trump’s criminal worsening criminal problems, and questions about whether he’ll even be available for the general election, are likely to sink his 2024 hopes before prison…

Did somebody take Donald Trump’s keys away?

Did somebody take Donald Trump’s keys away?

After his arrest and arraignment, Donald Trump was making one unhinged social media post after another, attacking and threatening everyone from prosecutors to judges to witnesses, in an unhinged attempt at… well, who knows? Once you’re a criminal defendant, there’s no strategy in this kind of thing. It just makes it worse for you. So…

Former Trump White House official says Donald Trump will be gone from 2024 race before Iowa caucus

Former Trump White House official says Donald Trump will be gone from 2024 race before Iowa caucus

Most of the media is still pushing the notion that Donald Trump will be a viable 2024 presidential candidate even though he’s being criminally indicted in three jurisdictions, will be put on criminal trial three times, and will likely be sentenced to prison well before election day. No one has quite explained how he’s going…

Donald Trump Jr. gets desperate after his father is arrested

Donald Trump Jr. gets desperate after his father is arrested

Even though Donald Trump is melting down in sullen and deflated fashion in the wake of his arrest, it’s possible that Donald Trump Jr. is taking the news even harder. Junior, who’s appeared to be unwell for some time now, is unraveling even further. Donald Trump Jr. is now using his Twitter account to beg…

Donald Trump now potentially looking at life in prison

Donald Trump now potentially looking at life in prison

Donald Trump has been charged with thirty-four felony counts in Manhattan. They’re considered lower-level felonies. The charges Trump is facing in the Fulton County and DOJ cases are expected to be more serious felonies. But the charges in Manhattan alone, by virtue of there being thirty-four of them, could be enough to send Trump to…

Donald Trump may have an Allen Weisselberg problem after all

Donald Trump may have an Allen Weisselberg problem after all

When Allen Weisselberg parted ways with his Trump-funded attorney a week ago, it raised questions about whether he was cutting a deal against Donald Trump or what. Then Trump’s team claimed that they were the ones who fired Weisselberg’s lawyer for fear that he might help Weisselberg cut a deal, and that they had supplied…

So much for Melania

So much for Melania

When people around Melania Trump leaked to the media days ago that she had no sympathy for Donald Trump over his criminal indictment, it was obvious that something was wrong between the two of them. Something like that doesn’t get leaked to the media unless the side doing the leaking wants it out there. When…