Former Trump adviser says he’ll fake health problems as excuse to drop out of 2024 race

Former Trump adviser says he’ll fake health problems as excuse to drop out of 2024 race

Donald Trump is already a criminal defendant in one jurisdiction, and that number is about to triple. He’s only polling at about 55% in the 2024 Republican primary race as it is. What happens to that number when more primary voters start to wonder if he’ll even be available for the general election? And if…

Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani are both freaking out about Georgia indictments

Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani are both freaking out about Georgia indictments

On the heels of Donald Trump’s indictment and arrest in New York, everyone is expecting Trump to get indicted in Fulton County Georgia next. But the New York Times suggests Trump will be far from the only person to get indicted in that probe. Now Lev Parnas, a former close ally of Rudy Giuliani, has…

Donald Trump’s “going Soviet” meltdown gives something away

Donald Trump’s “going Soviet” meltdown gives something away

At this point Donald Trump isn’t even trying to make the argument that he’s somehow going to beat the criminal charges he’s facing. He’s just whining about how unfair it all is. Take Trump’s latest social media meltdown for instance. More than ever he’s promising the laugh out loud lie that he secretly won the…

George Santos locks it all down as everything goes wrong for him

George Santos locks it all down as everything goes wrong for him

House Republican George Santos – yes, he’s still in Congress because his fellow House Republicans are refusing to expel him – can’t seem to catch a break. Nor should he ever catch a break. He belongs in prison, not Congress, and he’ll likely end up there eventually. In the meantime, Santos is reduced to pulling…

David Pecker’s secret vault of dirt against Donald Trump could be in play again

David Pecker’s secret vault of dirt against Donald Trump could be in play again

Donald Trump’s former friend and co-conspirator David Pecker of the National Enquirer has ended up being a key witness against Trump in Manhattan. As if that isn’t bad enough for Trump, he apparently has to worry about Pecker potentially having even more dirt against him. It’s long been reported that when Pecker was running the…

Mary Trump reveals just how “terrified” Donald Trump is of his unraveling life

Mary Trump reveals just how “terrified” Donald Trump is of his unraveling life

In spite of being indicted, arrested, and arraigned for thirty-four felonies, Donald Trump is trying to put on a bold face. But in reality, his increasingly frantic rambling suggests something else: fear. We’re not the only ones who see it. Mary Trump says that her uncle Donald Trump is feeling “terrified” and “humiliated” right now:…

Ted Lieu comes out swinging in Clarence Thomas scandal

Ted Lieu comes out swinging in Clarence Thomas scandal

Now that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been caught secretly accepting huge gifts over the years, in addition to being a perverted extremist and an insurrectionist sympathizer, right wingers are of course racing to defend him. That includes the Murdoch-controlled Wall Street Journal, which is attacking ProPublica for having dared to expose Clarence Thomas…

House Republicans are talking about ousting Kevin McCarthy already

House Republicans are talking about ousting Kevin McCarthy already

When it took Kevin McCarthy fifteen votes to narrowly get elected “Speaker” of the House, and the only with the help of toxic whack job Marjorie Taylor Greene, it was a matter of time before it began to slip away from him. Sure enough it’s already happening. House Republicans aren’t just talking about getting rid…

Donald Trump Jr. is even further gone than we knew

Donald Trump Jr. is even further gone than we knew

Donald Trump Jr. is watching his world crumble around him right now. His father Donald Trump has been indicted and arrested, with multiple more indictments to come. The Trump Organization is being dismantled by investigators as well. Now Trump Junior is doing something that a lot of people with crumbling lives tend to do: he’s…