Donald Trump goes apeshit after he’s forced back to Manhattan as his legal troubles worsen

Donald Trump goes apeshit after he’s forced back to Manhattan as his legal troubles worsen

Donald Trump has been whining and crying like a defeated baby all day today, and now – just after midnight – he’s giving away why he’s been in such a dour mood all day. Trump has been forced to go back to Manhattan tonight so he can testify in New York Attorney General Letitia James’…

Donald Trump is having one of his worst meltdowns yet

Donald Trump is having one of his worst meltdowns yet

For a guy who recently tried to declare “World War III” on Easter morning, you’d think Donald Trump couldn’t top things in the lunacy department. But he sure is trying. Last night Trump spent his Fox News interview yelling around about “nuclear warming” – something that doesn’t exist – and asking why no one was…

Arizona Republican state legislator expelled

Arizona Republican state legislator expelled

This has been a week marked by Republican state majorities wrongfully expelling Democratic legislators for ugly reasons. But now a Republican state legislator has been expelled in Arizona, and it’s apparently for the right reasons. This particular Republican state legislator was apparently so corruptly and maniacally out of control, her fellow Republicans felt compelled to…

The peril Donald Trump is facing from his biggest enemy

The peril Donald Trump is facing from his biggest enemy

Donald Trump is under criminal indictment in one jurisdiction, he’s already facing too many felony charges to count on fingers and toes, and he’s about to be under criminal indictment in multiple other jurisdictions. But Trump is facing an even bigger enemy than any prosecutor. This tweet perfectly encapsulates the peril that Trump is facing:…

House Democrat Dan Goldman piles on after Alvin Bragg takes the fight to Jim Jordan

House Democrat Dan Goldman piles on after Alvin Bragg takes the fight to Jim Jordan

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan is out of his depth, out of his league, and out of his jurisdiction when it comes to his attempts at meddling in Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s criminal prosecution of Donald Trump. Yesterday Bragg took the fight to Jordan, filing suit to shut down his interference. Now Dan Goldman,…

Donald Trump probably just doomed another Senate race for the Republicans

Donald Trump probably just doomed another Senate race for the Republicans

Criminal defendant Donald Trump is so desperate to get you to think of him as a viable political candidate, he’s now floating the names of people he thinks should run for office in 2024. Specifically he’s pushing for a Republican named Bernie Moreno to run for the Senate in Ohio in 2024. Here’s the thing….

Donald Trump goes bonkers about latest leak, gives something away in the process

Donald Trump goes bonkers about latest leak, gives something away in the process

Donald Trump’s failed presidency was just one big “leak” after another. He couldn’t keep his mouth shut about state secrets. The people around him couldn’t stop leaking things about him and each other. The whole thing was a mess in that regard. Now that a new U.S. intel leak has surfaced – one which curiously…

Donald Trump has clearly gone senile and it’s time we all say so

Donald Trump has clearly gone senile and it’s time we all say so

Last night Donald Trump appeared on the Tucker Carlson show and obsessively rambled about something called “nuclear warming.” He said it’s worse than global warming, it’s killing the planet, and he doesn’t understand why no one is talking about it. That’s probably because it doesn’t exist. After Trump left office, his handlers mostly hid him…

Tennessee Republicans are now on the ropes

Tennessee Republicans are now on the ropes

The Tennessee Republican state legislature pulled an all time stupid move when it tried to distract everyone from its refusal to act on gun reform by pulling a racist stunt against Democratic legislators Justin Jones and Justin Pearson. Now that Jones has been reinstated, with Pearson soon to follow, the “Tennessee Three” are going on…

Donald Trump has completely senile “nuclear warming” meltdown

Donald Trump has completely senile “nuclear warming” meltdown

Now that Donald Trump is finally facing the music in the criminal justice system, he’s desperately trying to get people to see him as a political candidate instead of a criminal defendant. The trouble for Trump is that he comes off as more senile with every public appearance, and his new interview with Tucker Carlson…