House Republican accidentally endorses “Donald J. Chump”

House Republican accidentally endorses “Donald J. Chump”

Even as Donald Trump’s legal troubles worsen and his favorability rating reaches a new low, some House Republicans are nonetheless lining up to endorse him for his essentially imaginary 2024 campaign. The trouble: they’re the very bottom of the barrel. Take this guy, for instance, who accidentally endorsed “Donald J. Chump” instead of Donald J….

Donald Trump Jr. stumbles and slurs his way through incoherently disturbing new meltdown

Donald Trump Jr. stumbles and slurs his way through incoherently disturbing new meltdown

As badly as Donald Trump is falling apart these days, Donald Trump Jr. seems to be falling apart even more severely. Junior has become increasingly unhinged, unwell, and unintelligible in his recent public appearances – and this latest one may have topped the cake. In this new video clip, Donald Trump Jr. can’t even pronounce…

Donald Trump goes berserk after yet another of his former top sidekicks hangs him out to dry

Donald Trump goes berserk after yet another of his former top sidekicks hangs him out to dry

Donald Trump’s top loyalists were going to hang in there for as long as they could, or for at least as long as it suited their own needs. But with Trump now consigned to a fate involving criminal trials and prison, his “loyalists” are selfishly turning against him one by one. Former Trump White House…

Ugly new corruption scandal involving Clarence Thomas’ mother

Ugly new corruption scandal involving Clarence Thomas’ mother

Clarence Thomas is predictably claiming that all of his unreported gifts and suspicious financial transactions are merely bad paperwork, and that he’ll get it all cleaned up with amended filings. The thing is, none of it even makes sense. For instance, actor and activist Jon Cryer is asking the right question about Clarence Thomas’ latest…

Ron DeSantis just found a way to dig himself an even deeper hole

Ron DeSantis just found a way to dig himself an even deeper hole

All that Ron DeSantis knows how to do these days is lose. His attempt at national rollout has caused his 2024 Republican primary polling numbers to drop by roughly half over the past month. And his ongoing war against Disney World, his state’s most important business entity, keeps going even more poorly for him. Disney…

Jim Jordan’s House hearing in Manhattan crashes and burns

Jim Jordan’s House hearing in Manhattan crashes and burns

Jim Jordan really tried to hype his big House hearing in Manhattan. But as it’s playing out today, it’s just another low level farce in a string of low level House Republican farces of late. Jordan’s hearing today is having no impact. It’ll change the minds of zero voters. House Republicans continue to spin their…

Kevin McCarthy just got his butt handed to him on live national television

Kevin McCarthy just got his butt handed to him on live national television

Kevin McCarthy isn’t exactly the sharpest crayon in the box to begin with. But now that he’s “Speaker” of the House, he’s in WAY over his head. McCarthy appeared in CNBC, a generally Republican leaning news channel, and ended up getting his butt handed to him by CNBC hosts: . Kevin McCarthy should quit while…

Donald Trump has panicked meltdown after Fox News fails to settle 2020 election case with Dominion

Donald Trump has panicked meltdown after Fox News fails to settle 2020 election case with Dominion

After the news broke last night that Fox News was attempting to settle with Dominion on the eve of trial, Donald Trump had a social media freak out at three in the morning. He frantically urged Fox to instead announce even more loudly that Trump had won the 2020 election. Now it’s being widely reported…