Jack Smith may have just gained the biggest cooperator of all against Donald Trump

Jack Smith may have just gained the biggest cooperator of all against Donald Trump

Even as DOJ Special Counsel Jack Smith has been putting people like Evan Corcoran and Stephen Miller in front of a grand jury to testify against Donald Trump, a new development has been playing out. Boris Epshteyn has been a close Trump political adviser from 2015 all the way to present day, one of the…

Donald Trump’s new Michael Flynn fantasy reveals just how far gone he is

Donald Trump’s new Michael Flynn fantasy reveals just how far gone he is

Criminal defendant Donald Trump really, really, really wants you to believe that he has a future in 2024 that somehow involves the White House instead of prison. But Trump keeps giving away that it’s all just a fantasy inside his head. Take, for instance, Trump’s speech at a rally tonight. Trump singled out convicted felon…

“These Losers are dying” – Donald Trump goes completely off the rails

“These Losers are dying” – Donald Trump goes completely off the rails

Donald Trump’s political handlers want everyone to focus on the fact that he’s giving a speech at some low level Republican event in Florida tonight. But as usual, Trump can’t stay on script. Ahead of the event, he’s busy ranting and raving on social media about… jokes. That’s right, jokes. As in, Trump can’t take…

Samuel Alito issues insane dissent in Supreme Court abortion pill ruling

Samuel Alito issues insane dissent in Supreme Court abortion pill ruling

The good new is the Supreme Court voted 7-2 today to temporarily keep the abortion drug fully legal while it hears the case. There’s no way to know if the court will vote the same way at the end of the case. But for now it’s good news. Predictably, Clarence “corruption” Thomas and Samuel “psychopath”…

Vladimir Putin’s latest public appearance raises further questions about his health

Vladimir Putin’s latest public appearance raises further questions about his health

Last week there were suggestions in the media that Vladimir Putin may be gravely ill. Now new questions are surfacing about Putin’s health. Specifically it has to do with what appears to be a large new scar on Putin’s neck, spotted during his most recent public appearance. This apparent scar has set off all kinds…

Donald Trump goes bonkers ahead of President Joe Biden’s 2024 announcement

Donald Trump goes bonkers ahead of President Joe Biden’s 2024 announcement

President Joe Biden is expected to formally announce his 2024 reelection bid next week, per NBC News. Criminal defendant Donald Trump, who’s still trying to convince everyone that he’s going to be a 2024 candidate instead of a prison inmate, is now going bonkers about Biden. Trump is trying more frantically than ever on his…