This didn’t go how Marjorie Taylor Greene was hoping

This didn’t go how Marjorie Taylor Greene was hoping

House Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene is still trying to prop up a finished Donald Trump, no matter how toxically unpopular he is with mainstream Americans, because her deranged far right district still likes him. To that end, Greene is now tweeting right wing propaganda articles aimed at minimizing the seriousness of the numerous criminal cases…

“Not the same guy” – Vladimir Putin’s health appears to be falling apart

“Not the same guy” – Vladimir Putin’s health appears to be falling apart

There’s been growing buzz about Vladimir Putin’s health for good reason. He’s begun making uncharacteristically braindead strategic decisions. He’s been rarely appearing in public, and when he does, his physical appearance seems off and his personal behavior is bizarre. It’s becoming so obvious that everyone on all sides is starting to notice. Even right wing…

Fulton County criminal case just got even “more damning” for Donald Trump

Fulton County criminal case just got even “more damning” for Donald Trump

Even as we wait for the Fulton County DA’s unknown date on the grand jury schedule so she can bring her indictments against Donald Trump and his allies, it looks the criminal case against Trump is even uglier than we knew. It turns out the DA has possession of text messages showing that Trump and…

Donald Trump’s lawyers give away that they expect him to lose the E. Jean Carroll trial

Donald Trump’s lawyers give away that they expect him to lose the E. Jean Carroll trial

Donald Trump is now just a couple days from the start of his civil trial against his accuser E. Jean Carroll. His attorneys have run out of ways to try to delay the start of the trial. So now they’re moving on to a new tactic instead. Trump’s lawyers are now making last minute filings…

Donald Trump goes off the delusional deep end about his criminal indictment

Donald Trump goes off the delusional deep end about his criminal indictment

Criminal defendant Donald Trump is supposed to be trying to sell everyone on the idea that he’s somehow magically going to be a viable political candidate in 2024, instead of, you know, a prison inmate. The trouble is, he just can’t stay on topic. At what was supposed to be a political event, Trump went…

Donald Trump’s last shred of dignity just left the building

Donald Trump’s last shred of dignity just left the building

“Donald Trump” and “dignity” are not exactly words that have ever gone in the same sentence, or for that matter in the same paragraph. But since he was booted from office, Trump has continually found new ways to debase himself even further. Barbra Streisand summed it up particularly well with this tweet: “Donald Trump has…

As Trump world collapses, Donald Trump’s pals are now calling on the FBI to take each other down

As Trump world collapses, Donald Trump’s pals are now calling on the FBI to take each other down

To say that “Trump world” is collapsing is to put it mildly. Donald Trump has been criminally indicted in Manhattan and is facing multiple additional indictments. Trump and up to twenty of his allies are expected to be indicted in Georgia. And Trump’s pals are all testifying against him in the Jack Smith probe. When…

Donald Trump gives away which witness testimony he’s the most afraid of in his E. Jean Carroll trial

Donald Trump gives away which witness testimony he’s the most afraid of in his E. Jean Carroll trial

Donald Trump is set to go on trial next week over the rape allegations that E. Jean Carroll has made against him. It’s a civil trial not a criminal trial, so it can’t put Trump in prison or anything. But it can still be devastating for him if he loses. Trump’s attorneys haven’t been able…

Donald Trump goes berserk as his 2024 fantasy falls apart

Donald Trump goes berserk as his 2024 fantasy falls apart

We were all told that Donald Trump’s indictment and arrest would only serve to help his 2024 poll numbers. But that didn’t happen. He’s still stuck in the same 55% range as ever in Republican primary polling. And now his overall favorability rating is at an all time low. But Trump keeps insisting over his…