House Republicans now claim their imaginary informant against President Biden has gone “missing”

House Republicans now claim their imaginary informant against President Biden has gone “missing”

It’s been four months and House Republicans still have no idea what to do with their narrow majority. They keep holding dumb hearings that no one bothers to watch. And now they’re claiming President Joe Biden probably has a financial corruption scandal, though they admit they have no evidence to support their claim. House Republicans…

The internet isn’t buying Donald Trump’s claim that he canceled his Iowa rally today due to the weather

The internet isn’t buying Donald Trump’s claim that he canceled his Iowa rally today due to the weather

Donald Trump made an effort to hype today’s Iowa rally, but videos and photos of the early crowd lined up suggested that turnout wasn’t exactly going to be great. So when Trump then announced that the rally had been canceled due to to tornadoes, let’s just say that the internet wasn’t buying it. To be…

George Santos hits the panic button after his criminal indictment

George Santos hits the panic button after his criminal indictment

House Republican George Santos should be panicked, given that the DOJ has criminally indicted him on thirteen felony counts that will be relatively easy to get a conviction on at trial. Santos knows he’s in real trouble. This tweet from Santos gives it away: . . Santos may be framing his tweet by making it…

Donald Trump’s disastrous town hall was a bust in the ratings department too

Donald Trump’s disastrous town hall was a bust in the ratings department too

Donald Trump keeps trying to brag about how great the ratings supposedly were for his CNN town hall. But the number of viewers does not translate to how well received a political event was, and by all accounts Trump’s town hall was a poorly received disaster for him. Now it turns out Trump couldn’t beat…

It’s not just George Santos, turns out Marjorie Taylor Greene has a campaign finance scandal too

It’s not just George Santos, turns out Marjorie Taylor Greene has a campaign finance scandal too

Even as House Republican George Santos is being criminally indicted by the DOJ in relation to his campaign finances, it turns out he’s not the only House Republican with a campaign finance scandal to worry about. Daily Beast is reporting that Milo Yiannopoulos used Marjorie Taylor Greene’s campaign credit card to pay for a website…