George Santos makes bizarre panic move, hinting at even more legal trouble

House Republican George Santos has just been criminally indicted by the DOJ on thirteen felony counts. Can things get any worse for him? Maybe they can. Days ago, investigative outfit CREW suggested that the Treasurer for Santos’ 2024 campaign may not even be a real person. Now Santos has responded to that by naming a new campaign Treasurer: himself. No, really.


Santos has removed potentially fictional person “Andrew Olson” as his campaign Treasurer on the official paperwork, and replaced him with “George Santos.” This is somehow really happening.


In addition to being a bizarre panic move and an absurd joke, this is also potentially a sign of further legal trouble for George Santos. You can get into serious legal trouble by doing things like making up a fake Treasurer on campaign filings. If that’s what Santos has done here – and the sudden removal of his “Treasurer” suggests he may have indeed done so – then he’s looking at even more felony counts.

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